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DuraVent DuraTech is a double wall all-fuel chimney system with both U.S and Canadian approvals for specific applications. 6" DuraTech chimney is rated to 2100° and is tested to UL 103 HT standards. DuraTech is for use with wood stoves, fireplaces, furnaces, boilers, ranges, water heaters or other appliances fueled by wood, coal, oil or gas. DuraTech chimney systems carry a lifetime warranty when installed by a certified installer. We've added some stove pipe in this category for your convenience. Never substitute stove pipe for class A chimney pipe.
Please Note: All Stove & Chimney Pipe is chosen and classified by the inside diameter. If your flue has a 6" Inside Diameter you will choose from the 6" Stove and Chimney Pipe categories